

<p>『我寧願自己一個人住!』</p> <p>年過八十,單身,走路有些吃力的婆婆跟我陳述著。</p>



記得有一個影片,路人问Gary vaynerchuk怎样才能找到积极生活的动力?

他一句話: 你明天就要死了。



Six Ways to Help Social-Isolated Elderly

Six Ways to Help Social-Isolated Elderly

<p>6 ways to help social isolated and lonely elderly</p>

Is longevity a real blessing?

Is longevity a real blessing?

Aunty Lim told me before I dropped her off. My eyes became teary. I feel stronger and stronger that improving the quality of life is more urgent than treating the disease/ symptoms. It is a fight between quality and quantity.

Fixing – Learn to ask for favor

Fixing – Learn to ask for favor

<p>I don’t know anything about plumbing and electrical work. But I never doubt my first instinct to include it as part of my services. I never expect anyone would seek my help solely for plumbing and electrical work.</p>

Retirement Reimagined in Taiping

Retirement Reimagined in Taiping

“What’s the environment that can make my aging parents live happily, comfortably, and passionately when I’m not around?”

The children-like existence. A voice told me.